Saturday, July 21, 2007

To Bead or Not to Bead

Today has been a great fiber day thus far.

First, I worked on clue #4 of my MS3. At this point in the work, the designer had stopped adding beads to the project. I can understand the rationale that the beads may be a little hard to lean back on when wearing the stole. However, the beads are so small and we have all gone through a little discomfort at times just to look fabulous. So, I figured out a way to work some beads into the design for clue#4. I love knitting with beads and I really didn't want to stop.

Second, I put some rambouillet roving into the dye pans with plums, royal blue, mustard, and celery colors. Tomorrow I will dye the corresponding alpaca for the second ply with the plums/royal dyes mixed together. I may also dye some blue faced leicester roving that I have. That one may be with some reds, nutmeg, etc. This week I got some dyes from Prochem. Now, I am having a great time playing with the new colors that I picked out.

Third, now I am going through a fleece of leicester longwool that I have to pick out the uvm (unidentified vegetable matter) and cleaning it so I can dye it later. These next few days are going to be relatively humidity free and will be perfect for drying fleece.

Back I go to get a batch of wool out of the kitchen sink where it has been soaking while I have been blogging.

1 comment:

Joan said...

Wow, I'd love to peek at your kitchen sink. ;-}

I haven't started MS3. LOL. I'm waiting to see how it comes out. I get the logic of no beads on the back but if they were teeny beads, I add them. You can always tack some beads on later too if the no-bead section bugged you.

I'll keep watching yours!