Friday, September 28, 2007

The year of the Shawl

Today I am working on the Silk Chevron Shawl to get it ready for Stitches East. It is being made with Silk Twist from Great Adirondack Yarn Co. As you can see from the photo, I really have to haul out the speed knitting skills in order to finish. fortunately. a chevron pattern is easy to get into once you get going. The only thing I don't like is that I have to do it on circs - not my needle of choice.

I have also kept up with my dyeing and fleece washing during these days of far too beautiful weather that we have had here in New England. The image above is of some yarn that is currently coming off of the wheel. That should be finished this weekend and then I will start another batch on Sunday.

I have also decided that I am going to make my Secret Stole out of Trendsetter's Cash Wool in a nice dark gray. That color will be perfect for me to use and wear. Plus, the beads that are left over from the Mystery Stole will work perfectly.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Needle day

This morning I organized my needles & hooks. Thanks to Ravelry, I now know what I have. if anyone sees me buying any size 3 dp's or size 6 14" needles - stop me, please. While I went through them, I found the unique antique needles pictured here. The hammer really moves through the closed fist. And, I love the fact that the hands has nail polish on them. The elephant vase is where I have kept my extra sets of needles for at 25 years. It was a gift from a former apartment mate.

Last evening I had put part of one fleece outside to dry. This morning I looked out and saw that some creature had either tried to take some with it or moved it around to make a little bed for itself. Either way, I have to rinse/wash it again prior to dyeing today. So, no damage done. I hope that animal had a restful sleep!

Now, I head off to dye more wool and then start adding projects, etc. to my ravelry. I think the yarn inventory is going to be the last to be entered. That is going to be too daunting a task for this weekend.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Amongst the Raveled

Yesterday evening I received my invite to join Beta Ravelry. My id there is dknitting. I woke up early this morning thinking about how I was going to build my account their. I had already heard that Ravelling (if that is a word) could be addictive. We will see what happens this weekend.

Last week I travelled out to northern New York to visit my friend Patti at Great Adirondack Yarn Co. It may be a little fuzzy, but the view was beautiful this early morning. No wonder she always comes up with those great colors.

I also finished up spinning some yarn and have started on another batch. These next few days I am exploiting the last hot days of the season by dyeing more wool, washing/drying fleeces and other sundry fiber activities. When it is nice and dry like this, wool takes no time at all to dry.

Everyone enjoy the last full day of summer.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Spinning a Labor Day Weekend of Love

Well, I was busy this past Labor Day Weekend with spinning, dyeing and knitting. I made headway on two knitting and two needlepoint projects as well as finished the Mericash sweater. that yarn is a dream to work with - 20% cashmere and the rest an extrafine merino. Pattern for this little sweater is available from Punta del Este Yarns.

Spinning and dyeing wise - I finished the Spicy Cantaloupe yarn and started spinning another batch as yet unnamed - blues, lavender, greens, etc. Yesterday I dyed two pans of blue faced leicester - one in reds/oranges and the other dark/med blues and purples with lime green. This evening I will continue with the spinning as I watch both the US Open Women's quarterfinal and the a couple of other things. I love it when my dh is not around so I can easily switch between programs during the commercials!