Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Spinning a Labor Day Weekend of Love

Well, I was busy this past Labor Day Weekend with spinning, dyeing and knitting. I made headway on two knitting and two needlepoint projects as well as finished the Mericash sweater. that yarn is a dream to work with - 20% cashmere and the rest an extrafine merino. Pattern for this little sweater is available from Punta del Este Yarns.

Spinning and dyeing wise - I finished the Spicy Cantaloupe yarn and started spinning another batch as yet unnamed - blues, lavender, greens, etc. Yesterday I dyed two pans of blue faced leicester - one in reds/oranges and the other dark/med blues and purples with lime green. This evening I will continue with the spinning as I watch both the US Open Women's quarterfinal and the a couple of other things. I love it when my dh is not around so I can easily switch between programs during the commercials!

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